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Autodesk Fusion 360 Starry Night Screw Top Container Part #1 (Intermediate)

In this video, Gaelen will be showing you Part 1 of a Starry Night themed container with a screw on lid in Autodesk Fusion 360. You will create the body of the container in this video, and the lid in Part 2. It is recommended that you watch our beginner tutorials before watching this one if you are new to Fusion 360 as this tutorial builds off of skills covered in previous videos. The new skills covered in this video are:

– Creating sketches (circle, line, 3-point arc)

– Extruding and changing extrude operations

– Using the fillet tool to smooth edges

– Creating threads (screws)

– Using the circular pattern tool with sketches and features

– Hiding and showing sketches/planes/etc

– Using the mirror tool to keep things symmetric

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